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L'Oreal Professionnel Blonde Studio Majimeches Highlighting Creme

SKU: EP-3277008
Sold out
Original Price Dhs. 64.27
Current Price Dhs. 60.10
or get it for Dhs. 54.09 with Auto-Replenish
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Product Details:

Ammonia-Free Cream
For Honey Blonde Highlights

Majimèches is an ammonia-free highlighting cream that creates desirable golden blonde highlights and is suitable for all hair types. The combination of the cream and the powder texture gives precise, luminous, natural-looking highlights. The formula is enriched with Beeswax and Incell™ technology and helps leave hair feeling soft. Majimèches allows you to achieve up to 5 levels of lift while maintaining a beautiful natural golden reflect.

1:1:1 (1oz Majimeches Cream: 1 Majimeches Sachette: 1oz. Majicreme Developer) Color to Developer Mixing Ratio
20-30-40-volume Majicrème

Hand paint or use a planchette. For a more defined highlight result, use your choice of accessory: Quick Mèches, Easi-Mèche, Sweet Mèches or cellophane.

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