T3 Micro T3 Source Shower Filter Showerhead Replacement
Compatible With The T3 Source Showerhead.
Start your beauty routine with a clean slate. Our shower filters reduce free chlorine, which can cause frizzy, lackluster hair. They also remove dirt, odors and other impurities from your shower water. It’s pure alchemy.
Mineral mixture (calcium sulfide, zinc, and copper) helps reduce free chlorine, and remove hydrogen sulfide, iron oxide, dirt, sediment, and odors
Reverse filter monthly for best results
Replace filter every 6 months (10K gallons) or when the filter window turns black
Use with T3 Source Showerhead Model No. 73302 or 73311 (separate purchase)
This system has not been evaluated for free available chlorine reduction performance in the presence of chloramines. Free available chlorine reduction performance may be impacted by the presence of chloramines in the water supply. Please contact your local water utility to determine if chloramines are used in treating your water.